Class Information

  Farmstead Friends

This class is a mash-up of Gardening, Home Economics, and Animal Husbandry with a focus on the science behind it all!  Your child will enjoy project based lessons that translate to everyday life!  Lesson Examples:  Bees & Harvesting Honey, Owl Pellet Dissection, Raising Chickens, Sourdough & Starters

  Instructor: Libra, Melanie
  Instructor Bio:
  Hello! I’m Melanie Libra, a local Small Business owner and Homeschooling mother of two.  We fill our home with colorful art, music and laughter!  We surround our home with beautiful plants, fruits, vegetables, insects and animals.  Loud, colorful and busy.
  Fee: $100
  Material Fee: $15
  Minimum Age: 8
  Maximum Age: 10
Day:FridayTime:9:00 amLength:1 Hours
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