Class Information

  Little Learners

We will sing and play our way through the alphabet, learn our numbers and how to write our names! There will be circle time each class where we will play games, talk about the weather, look at the calendar and read stories. Socialization, friendship and gross motor skills will also be emphasized.


  Instructor: Holloway, Bridgid
  Instructor Bio:
  I am a homeschooling mom of two children. This will be our 9th year of homeschool and attending Palaestra! Prior to homeschooling my own children, I worked as a preschool teacher. I taught 3-5 year olds for over ten years. I hold a degree in Child Development and look forward to teaching this age group again.
  Fee: $100
  Material Fee: $15
  Minimum Age: 4
  Maximum Age: 5
Day:FridayTime:10:00 amLength:1 Hours
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