Class Information

  Theatre 101

This is a two hour class.  The following descriptions are for semester one, and semester two.

Theatre Through the Ages.
Students will rehearse and perform monologues and short scenes from different genres and time periods of theatre. From the Greek chorus of Euripides, to Moliere's rhyming couplets; from the comedy of Shakespeare, to the drama of Arthur Miller; this class will explore how performance styles changed through time, and why all of these works are still being produced today. In addition to learning how to interpret their characters, students will learn terminology, proper vocal and body warmups, and how to give and receive positive, constructive criticism.

The Art of the 1-Act Play
Students will design and perform one (or two) original one act plays to be performed at the conclusion of the semester.  Playwriting, Set Design, Lighting Design, Sound Design, Costume Design, Acting, Set Painting, Marketing, and Stage Management are all integral parts of play production.  Whether students would like to put on a show from the stage, or behind the scenes, all students will learn the importance of each position, and be a part of the process.

  Instructor: ,
  Instructor Bio:
  Fee: $135
  Material Fee: $15
  Minimum Age: 14
  Maximum Age: 18
Day:FridayTime:1:30 pmLength:2 Hours
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